Man With Multiple Offences Of DUI in Boise Sent To Jail


A man, released on probation while serving his previous DUI in Boise, was sent to jail after being arrested for DUI again during this period.

The first arrest of Kip Lorey Johnson, aged 59, was held in March 2020 after being arrested with multiple charges, including hit and run and driving under influence.

The first DUI in Boise happened on 23rd march near Sunnyside Road in Idaho Falls. According to the reports, Johnson was intoxicated, and he hit the car of the person who reported him. Johnson then refused to stay at the scene of the incident and even fled in the truck of the person who reported him. He continued to drive down on a busy road.

Chasing him was a task for officials. He was chased down but refused to step down from the truck. Johnson even further droves down the lanes of Sunnyside Road after being stopped once. He was finally stopped due to traffic at the intersection of Sunnyside and Ammon Road.

Johnson still refused to step down from the truck. This was when the officials had to pull him from the driver’s seat forcibly. The blood alcohol content was later taken. However, the results were unavailable at the time of filing the charges.

The district judge Watkins suspended the driving license for Johnson for 18 months and made him pay a fine of $1290.50.

He was ordered to stay on probation till 2026 for this felony. In November 2020, he was released from prison as per the Idaho Department of Correction. As part of his plea agreement, many of his charges, including misdemeanor charges of trying to flee and resulting in the arrest, were also dismissed.

However, after another drunk driving incident, he was on July 19 ordered by Dane H. Watkins Jr. to spend two to seven years in jail along with serving his previous sentence. Need more info on Boise DUIs? Give us a call today!

