Was I Rightly Given a Boise DUI Charge?


A DUI charge is a charge you get when convicted for driving, or being in control of a vehicle, when under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A Boise DUI charge is a charge of this nature gotten in Boise, Idaho.  A Boise DUI attorney will tell you that one of the complications of the Boise DUI charge is that it is very technical. As there are many approaches to getting charged, including breathalyzer and blood tests, it is essential to be careful.

Getting a DUI charge means there is a high chance of you:

  • Spending up to six months in jail
  • Getting up to six months probation
  • Having to pay hefty fines
  • Having your driver’s license seized for a specific amount of days
  • Having an ignition interlock device installed on your vehicle
  • Losing your job and not finding another on time
  • Being unable to secure a government college loan or to join the military
  • Getting a criminal record.

It is terrible, isn’t it? What happens if you get charged, and you are not sure if this was the right charge? Remember that before getting this DUI charge, the police must have pulled you over. Answering the following questions will help you determine if your charge was right.

  • Was I Driving or With a Car?

The best thing to do is not be in charge of a car when you know you are drunk. There is no way you can get pulled over or charged if you don’t have a car. If you are drunk, don’t drive. If you were not driving under the influence, then the charge is likely to have been wrong.

  • Did I Disobey Traffic Rules?

A Boise DUI lawyer will confirm that a sure way to get pulled over is to disobey traffic rules. Don’t stop when you should be moving; don’t pass through a one way; don’t park in the wrong zone. Did you do any of these?

  • Was I Speeding?

Someone speeding is more likely to get pulled over than someone who is not. Make sure you don’t go near, if possible, or above the speeding limit, or else you attract the police.

  • Did I Park Properly?

You can get charged when you are found drunk in your car. The officers have the right to believe that you were drunk, and this necessitated your parking. It would even be worse if you left your keys in the ignition. This is why you should avoid staying in your car when drunk, not even to take a nap.

  • Did I Drive While Under the Influence?

Drinking and using drugs could impair your cognitive functions and reduce your sensitivity and awareness of the environment. When you drive under such conditions, you are a potential cause of harm to other road users.

Thus, you shouldn’t drive while or after drinking or using medication.

  • Did I Fail the Field Sobriety Tests?

The officer may require that you take the sobriety tests, but you are not legally obliged to take these. Therefore, it is better that you do not agree to these tests. Besides, sober people can fail it too due to influences like weather and clothing.

If the officers have enough proof that you were influenced by what you consumed, Boise DUI lawyers might have a more challenging time helping you.

However, if you do so, and it comes out positive, you may be in for a ride you never expected. Unfortunately, even if you refuse this, the officer can get a warrant to draw your blood, making things more severe for you if you are found guilty.

Wrong DUI Charge? Contact a Lawyer From Trilogy Law Group

The law requires the use of evidence and facts for you to get convicted for DUI. You need to know what can get you charged, so you don’t plead guilty when you have not committed any offense. Especially not in a state like Idaho, which has stringent DUI fines. If you have checked all the above questions and are not guilty of any, you may have been given a wrong DUI charge. Getting a DUI lawyer in Boise could save you a lot of stress.

Here at Trilogy Law, our legal team has all it takes to help you avoid getting a wrong charge. By contacting us, there are higher chances of preventing that charge. Getting a DUI attorney in Boise can be worthless when you have admitted to what you didn’t commit. Thus, it is best that you don’t speak, even when you have done wrong, till one of our attorneys comes to help you out.
