Interlock Device Idaho

Interlock Device Idaho

If you find yourself facing a charge for driving under the influence (DUI), there are fines involved and possible driving restrictions. Idaho takes DUI charges seriously and there are much harsher penalties involved. Jail time can be mandated and the need for an ignition interlock device (IID) is almost a certainty.

No two DUI charges are alike, and your penalty will depend on the details of your case. A DUI conviction impacts your friends, family, and professional relationships not to mention takes a huge financial toll. Having an IID is one of the punishments, and it’s not free. The lawyers at Trilogy Law Group are skilled in DUI defense and work tirelessly to protect your rights. 

Penalties for a DUI in Idaho

Penalties for DUI vary per incident. In general, the consequences for a first offense where you are stopped with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 or greater include up to six months in jail, up to one to $2,000 in fines, up to one year of license suspension and one year of an IID. Penalties increase with each offense. 

A second DUI charge will bring you up to five years in jail, up to $5,000 in fines, license suspension for one to five years, and at least one year of a mandated IID. With your third violation, you may risk an outstanding ten years in jail, $5,000 in fines, up to five years of license suspension, and a minimum IID requirement of one year. 

What is an Ignition Interlock Device?

An interlock device is a type of Breathalyzer that is installed in each car driven by someone convicted of a DUI. The length of time you are required to have this installed in your vehicles depends on the court’s determination. It’s connected to the car’s ignition, and if you register above the acceptable BAC limit your car will shut down and you cannot drive. 

This device isn’t free and requires it to be leased from an interlock device company. There is also an installation fee and a removal fee. The price will vary based on the make and model of your vehicle. There may be resources available to help with the cost.

Penalties for Violating an Interlock Agreement

When an IID is installed in your vehicle, you are bound by the terms of use. Any violation may result in a full license suspension, a longer amount of time your IID is required, fines, jail time, and revocation of your parole. 

Going against this agreement is a serious offense. If you’ve been unfairly accused of violating this agreement, you may need to speak with a lawyer to avoid further penalties a conviction can bring.

Secure a Trusted Attorney Today

Every detail of being charged with a DUI involves complex laws specific to Idaho. You need experienced representation that specializes in DUI law and will advocate for you. The interlock system for your vehicle is just one part of the puzzle when it comes to the penalties involved in a DUI charge and there are specific rules that need to be complied with. 

By connecting with a legal team who knows the ins and outs of Idaho law, you ensure you are getting the best defense possible and the best chance at a favorable outcome. Contact Trilogy Law Group today by calling 208-968-9060 or completing the online form below. 

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