Idaho DUI Laws for Out-of-State Drivers

Idaho DUI Laws for Out-of-State Drivers

For out-of-state drivers visiting Idaho, there are key laws regarding driving under the influence (DUI) charges you must know. Idaho strongly prosecutes DUIs and even enforces penalties if you’re suspected of driving under the influence but refuse to take a sobriety test when an officer pulls you over. 

If you’re an out-of-state driver facing DUI-related charges in Idaho, our experienced attorneys at Trilogy Law Group are here to answer your questions and offer guidance. Idaho has specific laws and regulations regarding DUIs that you may not be familiar with. We’re here to help break down your charges and guide you toward a resolution of reduced or dismissed charges. 

What Are Idaho’s DUI Laws?

Idaho prosecutes DUIs on a scale of severity based on a variety of factors: 

In Idaho, operating a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08 or higher is illegal. For individuals under 21, that threshold lowers to a BAC of only 0.02. There are also enhanced penalties for a BAC over 0.20. 

Base penalties for an individual’s first DUI in Idaho include a misdemeanor violation, up to six months in jail, up to a $1000 fine, and a 90 to 180-day license suspension. For drivers who receive second or third DUIs within a ten-year period, these penalties grow in severity. A third DUI within ten years may even be treated as a felony instead of a misdemeanor. 

Idaho also dictates that individuals must comply when an officer requests a breathalyzer test. Refusing a DUI test results in an automatic $250 day fine and one-year license suspension. Even if your home state does not share this law, it must be followed while visiting Idaho. 

Can Idaho Enforce Penalties If I Don’t Live There?

If you’re not an Idaho resident, you may believe these penalties don’t apply to you. Unfortunately, DUI trouble in Idaho will likely follow you back to your home state. 

Through the Drivers License Compact, forty-five states agree that the license suspension a visitor receives in one state will apply in their home state as well. This means if your state is part of that agreement, the same penalties in Idaho will apply once you return home. 

You may also be forced to spend time in jail if sentenced, and you may be required to attend court in Idaho even if you live out of state. Partnering with a local Idaho lawyer can smooth this process because the lawyer can represent you in court. 

If you’re facing a DUI charge in Idaho as a non-resident, connect with an experienced local attorney like ours quickly. Navigating criminal charges outside of your home state can be overwhelming and confusing, and it’s important to form a plan of action quickly to ensure you’re clear on the effects a conviction can have and how you can fight back.

Talk to an Idaho DUI Attorney

At Trilogy Law Group, our skilled defense attorneys are here to serve Idaho visitors with DUI questions. We know our local laws inside and out, and we know how to best support you through the complex legal process. We’ll advocate for your best outcome and offer expert legal counsel through every step. 

If you have questions about Idaho DUI laws or you’re facing an Idaho DUI charge, call us at 208-968-9060 or fill in our online form below to learn more.

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