What to Expect when Fighting a DUI

When you’re pulled over and charged with a DUI, you may be unsure what you should expect. Your future may be on the line, but what do you need to know when you’re stopped for driving under the influence?

The Boise DUI defense attorneys with Trilogy Law Group are here to help you navigate your case. We will help you take action and build the right defense for your case.

What Is a DUI? 

In Idaho, it is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or more, or 0.02 percent or more if the driver is under 21 years old. If you’re pulled over because the police had probable cause to think you were driving under the influence, you may be arrested. 

However, if you are operating a commercial vehicle, the laws are slightly different. In this scenario, you cannot be operating a vehicle if you have a BAC level of 0.04 percent or higher. A DUI when operating a commercial vehicle can also impact your professional license and even your career. 

Penalties for a DUI Conviction

After you get a DUI, you may be facing a series of penalties. Of these penalties, some are worse than others depending on whether this is your first offense. If you are a first-time offender, you may be facing up to six months in jail, as well as a fine of up to $1,000. Your license may also be suspended for thirty days. 

If you have been convicted more than once in less than ten years, you may be subject to harsher penalties. These could include fines up to $5,000, lengthy prison sentences, and years-long license suspensions. If you are a commercial driver convicted of a DUI, you will be suspended from driving a commercial vehicle for at least one year. 

Can You Avoid DUI Charges?

In some circumstances, you may be able to get out of a DUI. However, you may need to take action now with legal representation and a strong defense. To do this, the driver will have to have sufficient evidence. Your Boise DUI defense attorney is key in gathering evidence and building our defense. 

If you failed the Breathalyzer test, you may still be able to prove your innocence. In fact, a lawyer may be able to prove that the test was improperly administered. Your attorney may be able to prove that the numbers were mixed up or the equipment was not working properly. In DUI court cases, the defendant must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt

Call a Boise DUI Attorney for Help

If you have recently gotten a DUI, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting your license suspended. In fact, there are ways to fight your charge. 

The Boise DUI Attorneys at Trilogy Law Group will show you how you can fight your case and help you along the way.  Reach out to us at 208-968-9060 or fill out the following online contact form to learn more about our services. 

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